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Dec 30, 2020

Much like the bounty hunter, Boba Fett, the guys have risen from the dead. Unlike that idiot, they were never lame! It appears there are still mixed feelings about ol' Boba. All that said, the guys have managed to get back together and record a Mandalorian themed episode for your listening enjoyment. Because they can't...

Sep 9, 2020

Boom goes the dynamite. But more like one of those poppers you get in the kid packs...
That’s right, y’all. Your boys made it to 50 episodes. Well, most of them anyways. We still recorded after Pete’s bedtime. We are mostly sure he’s still alive, though… mostly…
This week the guys go off the rails pretty...

Aug 19, 2020

The guys finally return. Well, most of them, anyways. Pete is noticeably absent, though he is editing this episode from the Great Beyond. The guys don’t waste a lot of time and jump right into what they’ve been watching. Kevin kicks it off, having watched what sounds like everything but amounts to nothing. Alex...

Jun 22, 2020

Streaming picks abound as the guys give you everything they're watching (and playing) and you should be too. 

After some technical issues on Pete's part, the second half has another round of a trivia game, with Alex having his best showing yet!


Jun 5, 2020

2 epsidodes in one week!! Aren't you all lucky. HBO Max, Red Dead, and a whole host of other streamable goodies fill up a solid first half.

The second half is dominated by the boys recasting 4 of the best the DCEU had to offer up for the silver screen!